Abstract. The article discusses social-political factors that have the greatest impact on the functioning of the Buryat language in education at the present stage. In particular, it analyzes the regulative-legal, organizational conditions for its functioning in the field of school education. The controversies that arise between different levels of normative-legal regulation of issues of teaching and learning languages of the peoples of Russia by the example of the Buryat language are examined.
Key words and phrases: бурятский язык, языковая политика, образовательная политика, отношение к языку, языковой выбор, языки народов РФ, социально-политические факторы, the Buryat language, language policy, educational policy, attitude to language, language choice, languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, social-political factors
- Vakhtin N. B. Usloviya yazykovogo sdviga // Vestnik molodykh uchenykh. SPb., 2001. Vyp. 1. S. 11-16.
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