Khantimirov Spartak Mubarakshevich
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Abstract. Taste sensations play a very important role in human life. Existing studies of the German verbs of taste do not provide a complete description of the semantics of the whole corpus of this vocabulary. The article allows giving a comprehensive description of the semantic structure of the lexical units under consideration, revealing their seme composition, identifying additional features, for example, stylistic coloring and regional marking. The research of the verbs meanings was carried out with using the method of the component analysis of the vocabulary, involving both the paradigmatic and syntagmatic analysis, by singling out various semes.
Key words and phrases: лингвистика, немецкие глаголы вкуса, глагольная семантика, компонентный анализ, сема, синонимия, linguistics, German verbs of taste, verbal semantics, component analysis, seme, synonymy
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