Tarasenko Tat'yana Petrovna
Kuban State University
Abstract. The article examines person’s nominations in political strategists’ jargon, proposes their seme and connotative classification. The author justifies the thesis that political strategists’ jargon is a new linguistic reality of new social community which promotes the understanding of negative inclinations of the persons who form politicians’ non-standard image and allows concluding on the transformation of the linguistic picture of the political world, on the tendency of jargon bearers to falsification, to harsh struggle with the opponents.
Key words and phrases: жаргонная антропосфера, номен, жаргонная персонификация, номинативное поле концепта, неономинация, ономасиология, jargon, anthroposhere, nomen, jargon personification, nominative field of concept, neo-nomination, onomasiology
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