Samsonova Ekaterina Maksimovna
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. By the material of the Yakut language the article examines the peculiarities of compatibility of the verbal grammatical meaning of terminativeness/non-terminativeness with the form of frequent action. The author emphasizes that the key point here is the differentiation of transitive and intransitive verbs since they have different inner limits. Depending on lexical meaning of the verb and attached affix of frequency the shades of frequency meaning manifest themselves.
Key words and phrases: якутский язык, глагол, функционально-семантическая категория, аспектуальность, предельность/непредельность, многократный способ действия, Yakut language, functional-semantic category, aspectuality, terminativeness/non-terminativeness, frequent action
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