Prokuratova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
Abstract. The article deals with the texts of the Blessed Virgin’s themes - spiritual verses, apocryphal works, widespread in the manuscript tradition of the Komi Old Believers’ peasants of the upper Vychegda at the end of the XIX - in the XX century: "The Dream of the Blessed Virgin", "Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin", "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin". The non-canonical texts of the apocryphal orientation, being the translations of the Russian sources into the Komi language, represent the special honor of the image of the Blessed Virgin among the Komi population, as well as the interest in amusing plots about the mortal life and the assumption of the Blessed Virgin, which are not known from the biblical texts.
Key words and phrases: верхняя Вычегда, коми крестьянские книжники, старообрядческая литература, апокрифы, духовные стихи, апокрифические сюжеты, the upper Vychegda, Komi peasant scribes, Old Believers’ literature, apocryphal works, spiritual verses, apocryphal plots
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