Tarasenko Tat'yana Petrovna
Kuban State University
Abstract. The article considers the functional sides of a media metaphor in today’s pre-election discourse and its pragmatic potential from the point of view of cognitive science. The study substantiates the inference about the political metaphor as a verbal method of influencing the electorate and creating a linguo-mental worldview that represents attitudes toward incorrect technologies in the pre-election process. The author comes to the conclusion about the cognitive connection of the metaphor with those spheres-sources that are included in background knowledge of the recipient.
Key words and phrases: метафора, функции метафоры, предвыборный медиадискурс, лингвоментальная картина мира, лингвоэнергетика, metaphor, metaphor functions, pre-election media discourse, linguo-mental worldview, linguistic energy
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