Arzamazov Aleksei Andreevich
Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article analyzes new poems by the Russian-speaking Udmurt poet Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi, one of the vivid representatives and reformers of the Udmurt literary tradition. The paper emphasizes that V. Ar-Sergi’s poetical texts are of great interest from the viewpoint of artistic declaration of national identity and in the context of author’s search for new problematic and thematic aspects, cultural landscapes, lyrical situations. The paper identifies and analyzes the basic motive and storyline blocks of poems from the book "Kama-kylbur" (seasons, texts-journeys, urbanistic miniatures), comments on certain grammatical and stylistic faults motivated by creative transition from native Udmurt into Russian.
Key words and phrases: Вячеслав Ар-Серги, удмуртская поэзия, национальная идентичность, художественный метод, этнофутуризм, феномен языкового перехода, образно-символическая система, Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi, Udmurt poetry, national identity, artistic method, ethno-futurism, language transition phenomenon, figurative and symbolic system
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