Abstract. The article considers the personality conception in the novels of one of the major Turkish post-modernistic writers Orhan Pamuk. Turk’s archetypical elements realized in simulation images are examined by the example of the personage of writer’s last but one novel "A Strangeness in My Mind" (2013). The analysis of quotation codes constituting simulacrum image indicates that personality structure is associated in the novel with national archetype and considered as unstable, changeable, and dual in its essence. The light, positive aspect of an archetype is represented by the codes of the Eastern (Turkish) culture focused on sensual, unconscious element. The dark, negative aspect is emphasized by the codes of the Western culture representing rational worldview. Continuous struggle of two opposite forces in Pamuk’s personage unbalances and annihilates his personality which on the whole satisfies the conception of "personage’s death" in post-modernistic ryzomatic textual space.
Key words and phrases: турецкий постмодернизм, Орхан Памук, "Мои странные мысли", текстуализация пространства и человека, травестийная игра, герой-симулякр, Turkish post-modernism, Orhan Pamuk, "A Strangeness in My Mind", textualization of space and human, travesty game, personage- simulacrum