Leonov Ivan Sergeevich
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Abstract. The article is devoted to Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)’s book "Everyday Saints and Other Stories" the analysis of which for the first time involves identifying and examining the specificity of two narrative levels: biographical and ecclesiastical-metaphysical. The first level represents the complicated nature of psychological and spiritual-religious transformations of a human who overstepped the border of secular and ecclesiastical spaces. The second level involves the analysis of monastic world structure and includes some micro-levels: elders, monks, novices, authorities. The author concludes that both layers are closely connected: submerging himself into the world of Orthodox community the narrator stops focusing on his own feelings and begins to perceive himself as a part of integrated monastic space. An important factor combining together biographical and ecclesiastical-metaphysical levels is two-aspectedness indicating psychological and metaphysical conflicts arising in the process of personages’ transition from secular lifestyle to religious.
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