Khusainova Lyailya Midkhatovna
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak
Abstract. The article is devoted to the codification of lowercase and uppercase noun forms in the Bashkir language. The names of organizations, events statuses, dialects and accents of the Bashkir language, having double writing of letters, are analyzed. The conclusions are drawn that uppercase letters are used, firstly, when writing the first word in the names of organizations and secondly when writing words denoting the status of an event, but in the names of dialects and accents of the Bashkir language lowercase letters are used.
Key words and phrases: башкирское языкознание, орфография, сложные слова, имена существительные, прописное написание, строчное написание, Bashkir linguistics, orthography, difficult words, nouns, uppercase writing, lowercase writing
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