Sidorova Natal'ya Anatol'evna, Smerchinskaya Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of a communicative event as a special category of discourse that correlates with the phenomenon of implicit theories of dialogical communication. On the basis of the obtained results, it is established that the category of the communicative event directly corresponds to the phenomenon of implicit theories of dialogical communication, since each communicative event is in line with a certain situational model, by which the scheme for constructing verbal and nonverbal elements of the implicit theory of dialogical communication is meant. This allows us to make a more complete picture of the functional significance of the phenomenon of categorization in the organization of dialogical discourse.
Key words and phrases: имплицитные теории диалогического общения, категоризация, коммуникативное событие, диалогический дискурс, речевая коммуникация, implicit theories of dialogical communication, categorization, communicative event, dialogical discourse, speech communication
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