Onina Sof'ya Vladimirovna
Yugra State University
Abstract. For the first time the article describes imperative constructions with an infinitive by the material of the Khanty language. Infinitive clauses are used to express the motive of the interlocutor (a person or persons) to the action named by the infinitive. These constructions are various. Their peculiarity is that they refer only to the modal meaning of necessity. The main means of expressing necessity, the possibility in the Khanty language is the following construction: the modal predicate + the verb in the infinitive. The infinitive in the imperative meaning is typical for situations with a rigid hierarchy of relationships.
Key words and phrases: хантыйский язык, побуждение, глагольная форма, императивное значение, инфинитив, категорическое повеление, Khanty language, motive, verbal form, imperative meaning, infinitive, categorical command
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