Merkel' Elena Vladimirovna, Yadreeva Lidiya Dmitrievna, Yakovleva Lyubov' Anatol'evna
Technical Institute (Branch) of M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to oikonymy of the Aldansky district of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The territory of South Yakutia, including the Aldansky district, is a habitation area of the people of different linguistic affiliation and ethnic cultural traditions: the Evenks, the Yakuts, and the Russians. This fact determined the specificity of principles, ways and types of settlement nomination in the mentioned region. The sources of factual material are as follows: toponymical data gathered by the authors during field expeditions, geographic maps, dictionaries, etc.
Key words and phrases: топонимика, ойконимы, принципы номинации, топонимы, трансонимизация, toponymy, oikonyms, principles of nomination, toponyms, transonymization
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