Kochergina Irina Vladimirovna
School № 57
Abstract. The article attempts to systematize the views of the critic and publicist Yu. I. Eichenwald (1872-1928) concerning the revolution in general and the 1917 revolution in Russia. The evolution of these views is traced in his articles. The author analyzes the obituaries and memoirs, in which this topic is touched. Particular attention is paid to Eichenwald’s book "Poets and Poetesses". The essay "Gumilev" is analyzed in detail. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that Yu. Eichenwald’s attitude toward the revolution was changing: from its reception as a long-awaited event in February 1917 through the active rejection of the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in 1918, to a fierce hostility against the Soviet regime and the Bolshevik regime by 1922.
Key words and phrases: критика, эмигрантика, русское зарубежье, Ю. И. Айхенвальд, революция 1917 года, периодика, "философский пароход", criticism, emigrantica, Russian abroad, Yu. I. Eichenwald, revolution of 1917, periodicals, "philosophical steamship"
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