Ibatullina Elena Aleksandrovna
Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University
Abstract. The paper discusses the etymology and history of the word ‘тухлый’ (rotten) in the Russian language. When the etymological nest is reconstructed with the root *duch-, to which the word in question belongs, the position of origin ‘тухлый’ (rotten) from the verb ‘тухнуть’ - "to become rotten, acquiring an unpleasant smell" is revealed and justified. On the basis of tracing the history of semantic development of the word from the pre-Slavonic to the modern state, the conclusion is made about its extensive compatibility and relevance of use in the modern Russian literary language.
Key words and phrases: этимология, реконструкция этимологического гнезда, словообразовательное гнездо, история развития значения слова, лексическое гнездо, etymology, reconstruction of etymological nest, family of words, history of word meaning development, lexical nest
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