Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of falling tones in the non-emotional part of the English-language political debates, which have a rather complicated nomenclature. Falling tones are traditionally considered as prosodically unmarked and basically express the objective modality of the completion of a thought. However, the author comes to the conclusion that allotones of falling tones are used by speakers in the aspect of pragmatic function, that is, they realize the subjective modality of persuasion.
Key words and phrases: фоностилистическая принадлежность политических дебатов, тоновый признак, высотнотональные уровни, немаркированная просодия, аллотоны нисходящих тонов, диапазон движения нисходящего тона, объективная и субъективная модальность просодии, phonostylistic characteristic of political debates, tone feature, high-tone levels, unmarked prosody, allotones of falling tones, range of falling tone, objective and subjective modality of prosody