Os'mukhina Ol'ga Yur'evna, Siprova Anna Andreevna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article analyzes the strategy of the artistic transformation of the mythological material into the mythopoetic elements of the author’s text in the novel by V. Pelevin. In particular, the specificity of lycanthropy motive embodiment is studied. It is stated that in the novel "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" the rethinking of the myth with the help of postmodern techniques leads to playing semantic contaminations, new understanding of archetypal images and motives. Pelevin outplays the motives and images of the Chinese (the motive of lycanthropy, the images of foxes-werewolves), North German mythology (the images of Dog Garmr and Wolf Fenrir) and creates his own author’s neo-myth.
Key words and phrases: В. Пелевин, роман, миф, мифопоэтика, мотив, оборотничество, прием, V. Pelevin, novel, myth, mythopoetics, motive, lycanthropy, technique
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