Patrasenko Viktoriya Aleksandrovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. In the article the content of the notions "linguistic creativity", "language game" is actualized from the perspective of gender studies in linguistic science. These notions are becoming more widespread in the modern mass media and act as regulators of the target audience with the help of the used linguistic means in advertising texts. The author focuses on the analyzed examples of linguistic creativity in English and German as a way of describing gender categories of "masculinity" and "femininity" by the material of the "male" and "female" print glossy magazines in the period of 2014-2017. The conclusion about the effectiveness of using the creative approach to the advertising texts composition is drawn.
Key words and phrases: гендер, рекламный текст, лингвокреативная деятельность, языковая игра, "мужская" реклама, "женская" реклама, gender, advertising text, linguistic creativity, language game, "male" advertisement, "female" advertisement
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