Abramova Yuliya Sergeevna, Larina Tat'yana Andreevna
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The article considers the notion "worldview", its appearance and interpretation in different periods of the development of linguistics. Various approaches to the definition of this notion are described, procedures of appearance, functions, and research methods are represented and correlations with the categories adjacent with the indicated term are established. The paper also examines the relationship between such notions as "worldview", "language worldview" and "scientific worldview" and also highlights their common and specific features.
Key words and phrases: картина мира, языковая картина мира, научная картина мира, лингвистическая семантика, лингвокультурология, концепт, лакунарность, worldview, language worldview, scientific worldview, linguistic semantics, cultural linguistics, concept, lacunarity
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