Yakhin Farit Zakizyanovich
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Abstract. For centuries, the national fiction has created the images of women who served as ideals of morality for the society. In the Middle Ages in the Tatar Sufi literature, the heroines became socially significant images of women, on the one hand, passionately in love with their chosen ones and devoted to high feelings, and on the other hand, with pure religious and mystical notions. In the article it is proved that under the influence of these literary and artistic images, the moral qualities of the Tatar women have been formed, which they are developing to this day, inoculating them to their children. During the analysis of the literary works of the medieval Tatar literature, an attempt to reconstruct the picture of the national representations of women’s ideals is made.
Key words and phrases: благовоспитанная женщина, Дева Мария, жены и дочери пророков, Зухра, мать-Гамбар, образы в художественной литературе, well-bred woman, Virgin Mary, wives and daughters of prophets, Zuhra, mother Gambar, images in fiction
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