Sushkova Irina Mikhailovna
Voronezh State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the notion of imprescriptible belonging as a universal category, expressed in the system of semantic oppositions inherent in the relations of the possessor and the object of possessiveness. The degree of the imprescriptible nature of the most frequent combinations of possessors and objects of possessiveness, singled out by the attributes of animacy/thingness, concreteness/abstractedness, is analyzed. The main types of the objects of belonging are identified from the point of view of their paradigmatic connection with the possessor. The issue of the linguistic expression differentiation of the category of imprescriptible nature in different languages is touched upon.
Key words and phrases: посессивность, неотторжимая принадлежность, посессор, объект посессивности, парциальное целое, личная сфера, possessiveness, imprescriptible belonging, possessor, object of possessiveness, partial whole, personal sphere
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