Vlavatskaya Marina Vital'evna
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the prescriptive micro-component of the lexical meaning of the word, which is an integral part of the syntagmatic macro-component of the meaning, the functions of which are to synthesize and to integrate the content of other components of the meaning. The prescriptive micro-component is present in the words conditioned by a single orientation of the phenomena of the reality and prescribes the obligatory (narrow or even single) combinability. This problem is considered within the framework of combinatorial semasiology, which studies the correlation between the word semantics and its combinability.
Key words and phrases: комбинаторная семасиология, синтагматический макрокомпонент значения, прескриптивный микрокомпонент значения, узкая и единичная сочетаемость, обязательная сочетаемость, combinatorial semasiology, syntagmatic macro-component of meaning, prescriptive micro-component of meaning, narrow and single combinability, obligatory combinability
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