Minnullin Kim Mugallimovich, Zakirova Il'seyar Gamilovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the genre singularity of Tatar magic fairy tales. The work deals with the genesis, the genre evolution, the composition, the system of characters, and the plot structure of the fairy tales. As shown by the analysis, the main motives and images of the Tatar fairy tale are similar to international plots. Features representing the mentality, way of life and customs of the Tatar people are identified. The repertoire of the Tatar magic fairy tale is full of works about the characters’ struggle with mythical creatures.
Key words and phrases: татарская волшебная сказка, мифологические верования, сюжет, главный герой, Tatar fairy tale, mythological beliefs, plot, main character
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