Mineeva Inna Nikolaevna
Petrozavodsk State University
Abstract. The article for the first time presents the observations on the reception problem of the Irish writer J. Joyce in the creative work of the Russian-British prose writer and essayist Z. Zinik. For the Soviet emigrant, the heritage and experience of J. Joyce as "a displaced person" is the basis for creating an autobiographical myth, the key to deciphering the secret and explicit aspects of foreign culture and his own bifurcated worldview, one of the sources of new unique philosophy of emigration and the artistic method. In the works of the Irish classic Z. Zinik not so much the plot lines, as the anthropological and social categories - the past and the present, displacement, identification, etc. - are interesting. Some statements of J. Joyce became for him symbolic expression of the various sensations that he experienced in a foreign land.
Key words and phrases: литература русского зарубежья, компаративистика, эмигрантология, идентификация, З. Зиник, Дж. Джойс, literature of Russian ?migr? community, comparative linguistics, emigrantology, identification, Z. Zinik, J. Joyce
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