Golubkov Andrei Vasil'evich
M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. The article analyzes ambivalent conceptions of woman in M. de Montaigne’s "Essays" which contain both openly misogynistic statements in line with the traditional patriarchal value system dating back to antiquity and the opinions predicting the values of aristocratic gallant culture. Montaigne’s contradictory views integrating misogyny and pro-feministic ideas are actually predetermined by "Autumn of Renaissance" cultural situation.
Key words and phrases: галантность, положение женщин, мизогиния (презрение к женщинам), М. Монтень, К. Гален, Б. Кастильоне, gallantry, woman’s status, misogyny (contempt for women), M. de Montaigne, C. Galenus, B. Castiglione
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