Efremova Yuliya Ivanovna, Petryanina Ol'ga Valer'evna, Cherkasova Elena Valer'evna, Makarova Marina Evgen'evna
Samara State University of Economics
Abstract. The article discusses the process of learning a foreign language not as an analytical method for the study of the language system, but as a way of developing skills of speech activity in a given language. It is proved that the cognitive basis of speech of bilinguals must rely on those determinants of speech production in a foreign language which are not considered in the generative theoretical model by N. Chomsky. It is established that it is possible to improve generative models, taking into account a number of discourse factors proposed in this work. They will help bring the speech of students in a second language to the authentic speech of native speakers, and will extend the search for further ways of interaction between native and studied languages in the cognitive space of the bilinguals.
Key words and phrases: порождение речи, генеративная модель, дискурс, норма и узус речи, алгоритм, speech production, generative model, discourse, norm and usage of speech, algorithm
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