Atakaeva Farida Shatemirovna
Karachay-Circassian State University named after U. D. Aliev
Abstract. The article examines the specificity of kitchen utensils names in the Nogai language in comparison with the similar names from other Turkic languages. The vocabulary under analysis is frequently of archaic nature; it is explained by the changes in the social life, reorganization of Nogai everyday life and traditions. The analysis of linguistic material leads the author to a conclusion that studying the national everyday vocabulary allows tracing the development of human society, the influence of neighbouring and even the distant peoples with whom they were associated in the remote past, the social and economic conditions, household activity from the ancient times, etc.
Key words and phrases: ногайский язык, диалект, бытовая лексика, названия посуды и кухонной утвари, the Nogai language, dialect, everyday vocabulary, kitchen utensils names
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