Abstract. The article deals with the development and component composition of electronic educational-methodical complex of the discipline "Foreign Language" for bachelors’ program in nonlinguistic institution of higher education, and summarizes the experience of the teachers from Kuzbass State Technical University. The authors give a description of the major structural elements of the complex, the course structure in the electronic environment. The paper analyzes the forms of the organization of students’ independent work, types of control of knowledge and skills formation.
Key words and phrases: электронный учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины, иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз, электронные образовательные ресурсы, электронная среда, самостоятельная работа, контроль, electronic educational-methodical complex of discipline, foreign language, nonlinguistic institution of higher education, electronic educational resources, electronic environment, independent work, control
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