Sedova Tat'yana Viktorovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The subject of the article is parallel texts of criminal-news issues in the Russian and foreign press. The purpose of the article is to study the nature of the informativity of such texts. The paper concludes about the prevalence of factual informativity above putative one. The author highlights high emotional informativity of texts data. Unlike other studies, this paper reveals the specific features of the Russian publications. Attention is drawn to the high frequency of using legal terminological vocabulary. The special value of the criminal-news texts is seen in their cognitive potential.
Key words and phrases: фактуальная и путативная информативность, юридический термин, эмоциональность, когнитивный потенциал, лексикографический анализ, factual and putative informativity, legal term, emotionality, cognitive potential, lexicographical analysis
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