Kapkova Svetlana Yur'evna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article analyzes the experimental data obtained in the survey of the hearing-impaired and hearing teenagers based on the algorithm. The algorithm is a series of questions aimed at identifying lexicosemantic structure of the concept "love" in the understanding of the hearing-impaired and hearing teenagers. The survey data are compared, and the lacunas in the minds of the hearing-impaired and hearing teenagers at the levels of structuring of the concept of "love" are analyzed and determined. The study describes and analyzes six steps of the algorithm where matches are identified, and lexical units in understanding the concept of "love" are prioritized. Due to the comprehensive analysis the presence of three types of lacunas such as cognitive, motivational and moral evaluation ones were defined in understanding of hearing and hearing-impaired teenagers.
Key words and phrases: слабослышащие и слышащие подростки, нравственное понятие, любовь, структурированность понятия, стереотипизация, лакуна, hearing-impaired and hearing teenagers, moral concept, love, structured concepts, stereotyping, lacuna
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