Alekseev Ivan Egorovich, Unarova Lyubov' Dorofeevna, Samsonova Natal'ya Egorovna
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Higher School of Music of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (Institute) named after V. A. Bosikov
Abstract. The article presents a brief survey of Yakut alphabet creation associated with such figures as O. N. Bohtlingk, D. Khitrov, S. A. Novgorodov, etc. The paper analyzes the attempt to introduce the unified Latin-based Turkic alphabet in the 20s of the XX century. The recent alphabet adopted in 1939 is of special cultural and historical importance, at the same time it has certain shortcomings which influence the further development of the Yakut language, its place in the modern information field and require attention. Special attention is paid to orthoepy, its typical and specific features which should be preserved considering the whole acoustic image of national language.
Key words and phrases: алфавит, орфоэпия, орфоэпическая база, произносительная норма, фонологическое мышление, система языковых знаков, alphabet, orthoepy, orthoepic basis, orthoepic norm, phonological approach, system of linguistic signs
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