Zakharova Tat'yana Vadimovna
Novokuznetsk Institute (Branch) of Kemerovo State University
Abstract. Among linguocultural concepts the author underlines a new class - folklore symbolic mental entities. The article points at the prerequisites to highlight this class of mental entities. The definition is given, their distinctive features are noted. Then folklore symbolic mental entities in the Russian and German conceptual systems by the example of analysis of concept structures of luna and Mond are considered.
Key words and phrases: концепт, классификация лингвокультурных концептов, фольклорная картина мира, фольклорные концепты, символические концепты, фольклорно-символические ментальные образования, структура концептов, лингвокультура, concept, classification of linguocultural concepts, folklore picture of the world, folklore concepts, symbolic concepts, folklore symbolic mental entities, structure of concepts, linguoculture
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