Prokop'eva Praskov'ya Egorovna
Institute of the Humanities and Indigenous People of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article analyzes semantic, structural and linguistic peculiarities of the Yukaghir people’s autobiographical stories. The paper shows that national axiological values are associated with the conceptions "labour" and "family". In the structural aspect autobiographies are characterized by free organization of the narration elements, the internal order is established, first of all, by applying for temporal information. In the linguistic aspect the author mentions the following typical features: the existence of the semantic field "life", the use of taxis verbal forms while describing the events of the past.
Key words and phrases: юкагирский фольклор, автобиографические рассказы, аксиологические ценности, структура, языковые особенности, Yukaghir folklore, autobiographical stories, axiological values, structure, linguistic peculiarities
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