Sokolovskaya Zhanna Viktorovna
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of impressionistic poetics of novelistic prose by the French writer P. Gamarra. The analysis of the short story "La conserve de soleil" allows noting that its poetics is characterized by weakened plot conditioned by the lyric element that directly expresses childish world perception and also syncretic figurativeness, in which the visual component is adjacent to auditory, tactile, olfactory and even gustatory ones.
Key words and phrases: импрессионистическая поэтика, французская новелла, Пьер Гамарра, синкретичная образность, синестетическое восприятие, impressionistic poetics, French short story, Pierre Gamarra, syncretic figurativeness, synesthetic perception
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