Mikhailova Marina Yur'evna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Abstract. In the article the author presents the review of narrow and broad understanding of the functional-semantic category of the inexpressible, identifies the grounds of narrow and broad approaches and singles out the criteria, by which linguistic phenomena are referred to as representatives of the inexpressible. The notions of the inexpressible, on the one hand, and lie, silence, failure to mention, on the other, are compared. Correlation between the concepts of euphemisms and the meaning of the inexpressible is identified and the participation of tropes as figures of speech as well as phraseological units in the representation of the meaning of the inexpressible is shown. In the aspect of the characteristic of the broad approach the comparison of the semantics of the inexpressible with the similar semantics of the incomprehensible and the invisible is carried out.
Key words and phrases: функционально-семантическая категория, эвфемизмы, тропы, молчание, умолчание, кластерное бытование, семантика невыразимого, незримого и непостижимого, functional-semantic category, euphemisms, tropes, silence, failure to mention, cluster existence, semantics of the inexpressible, the invisible and the incomprehensible
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