Milovanova Marina Vasil'evna, Terent'eva Elena Vital'evna
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The article analyzes the discursive practices of the Russian mass media, in which there is a translation of the positive image of the past to the mass addressee. The subject of the research is tactics of formal-logical and emotional argumentation used by the addresser. The identified tactics of formal-logical and emotional argumentation in the process of creating the positive image of the past, along with the further analysis of specific tactics used in the formation of the negative image of the past, will help to create a comprehensive description of the discursive practices of the Russian mass media, in which the translation of the image of the past takes place.
Key words and phrases: СМИ, коллективная память, образ прошлого, стратегия убеждения, тактики, mass media, collective memory, image of the past, strategy of conviction, tactics
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