Evseeva Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin"
Abstract. The article considers a way of organizing the associative-semantic space of poetic texts by David Samoylov with the help of the method of associative-semantic field modeling. The conducted analysis confirms that any literary text is a system, which elements are in certain structural connections and relations expressing the writer’s creative intention. It is revealed that semantic capacity of poems is set up not by direct meaning of separate words and phrases, but by associations, which they produce.
Key words and phrases: картина мира, поэтический текст, ассоциативно-смысловое поле, лексема, метафора, зима, picture of the world, poetic text, associative-semantic field, lexeme, metaphor, winter
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