Abstract. The current stage of linguistics development is characterized by increased interest in the comparative study of languages. The purpose of the research is the comparative analysis of emotional and expressive sentences in the Tatar and French languages. Evaluative nature as a form of expressiveness manifestation in emotional and expressive sentences in the Tatar and French languages depends on the degree of the involvement of the subject in the situation of communication. As a result of the research the existence of similar typological features is identified and this, in its turn, shows certain similarity between the Tatar and French languages ??belonging to different language families. The existing differences are manifested mainly in the structure of the analyzed sentences in the compared languages, whereas in the field of semantics these sentences have a lot of similarities conditioned by the commonality of human thinking.
Key words and phrases: экспрессивный синтаксис, эмоционально-экспрессивные предложения, сопоставительный синтаксис, оценочность, хорошо/плохо, добро / не добро, важно / не важно, красиво / не красиво, эмоционально-экспрессивный фактор, человеческий фактор, expressive syntax, emotional and expressive sentences, comparative syntax, evaluative nature, good/bad, good / not good, important / not important, beautiful / not beautiful, emotional and expressive factor, human factor
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