Khantimirov Spartak Mubarakshevich
M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
Abstract. As part of the perception of the surrounding reality the visual perception through which a person gets more than 80% of all information plays the role of especial importance. In the German language the concept "to see / to look" is represented by many ways including the verbal vocabulary which includes more than 220 verbs. The conducted research of semantics of German vision verbs allows singling out 36 synonymic rows and identifying a large number of synonyms in the corpus of the considered lexical units. Semantics of the verbs is studied with the help of component analysis, involving both the paradigmatic and syntagmatic analyses, by singling out various semes. In addition to the seme composition of meanings the author identifies ??such additional markers as stylistic and regional components in the use of the verbs.
Key words and phrases: лингвистика, немецкие глаголы зрения, лексическая семантика, семы, синонимический ряд, linguistics, German vision verbs, lexical semantics, semes, synonymic row
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