Urbaeva Aleksandra Pavlovna
Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V. R. Philippov
Abstract. The article examines the issue of reduplication use in the modern German language. On the whole, repetition underlying reduplication can be represented at different levels of the language and examined as amredita, gemination, tautology, pleonasm, etc. thus implementing specific functionality. The author describes the principal spheres of reduplicates usage in the modern German language, and also touches upon the issue of the semantic essence of this linguistic phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: способ словообразования, редупликация, удвоение, внутрисловный повтор, аблаутивные редупликаты, простые редупликаты, семантика редупликации, method of word formation, reduplication, doubling, interword repetition, ablaut reduplicates, simple reduplicates, semantics of reduplication
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