Boeva Galina Nikolaevna
Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture
Abstract. Defining art nouveau as a sum of new world-outlook and aesthetic guidelines of art at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries the author interprets Leonid Andreev’s creative work in the course of art nouveau. The paper outlines the style approach to Andreev’s poetics assuming the examination of its "picturesqueness", ecphrasis nature and "cinemagenic" character among typologically close phenomena of art nouveau. The creative work of the writer is comprehended as a representation of the artistic synthesis of art at the turn of the centuries.
Key words and phrases: художественный синтез искусства, модерн в литературе, экпрессионизм, визуальность, экфрасис, кинематографичность, artistic synthesis of art, art nouveau in literature, expressionism, visuality, ecphrasis, film looking
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