Gololobova Nailya Irekovna, Baklashova Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Kazan Federal University
Abstract. In different historical epochs the English language is characterized by a different type of relationship between the language variants. Nowadays there are the evident changes in the nature of the relationship between the variants of the English language in the UK. Against the background of the gradual fading out of the normative literary language the increase of the significance, the expansion of the functions and the advance in the prestigiousness of the regional variants take place. The dialect Estuary English stands out among them and it is spreading rapidly among the population of the UK. Against this background the question about the nature of the dialects influence on the normative language arises and, moreover, the question of the preservation of the existing English literary language as such becomes significant. The purpose of this article is the description of the main peculiarities of the dialect Estuary English and the definition of its role at the contemporary stage of the English language development.
Key words and phrases: cоциально-территориальный диалект, Estuary English (эстуарный английский язык), языковой вариант, акцент, произносительная норма Received Pronunciation (нормативное произношение), гортанная смычка, вокализация, аллофон, social-territorial dialect, Estuary English, language variant, accent, pronunciation norm Received Pronunciation (normative pronunciation), glottal stop, vocalization, allophone
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