Andreeva Ekaterina Vasil'evna, Pushkin Aleksei Aleksandrovich
I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the comparative study of the phenomenon "double negation" in English and Chuvash. The paper discusses the peculiarities of the "mutual ability to be translated" of the structures with double negation in the discourse, determines translation regularities aimed at the preservation of the communicative purpose of statements in the compared languages. The examples for the research are taken from the original texts of O. Wilde’s "Fairytales" in English and from the texts of their literary translation into Chuvash.
Key words and phrases: семантика отрицания, разноструктурные языки, сопоставительный анализ, английский язык, чувашский язык, двойное отрицание, национальная картина мира, semantics of negation, languages of different structure, comparative analysis, English, Chuvash, double negation, national picture of world
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