Makarov Arkadii Nikolaevich, Tyutyunnik Svetlana Ivanovna
Vyatka State University
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the appearance and formation of one of the most interesting magazines in Germany of the XIX century - "Die Gartenlaube" ("Summerhouse"), which left an imprint on the development of the fiction and popular science editions of its time. The magazines for home and family reading, and there were a lot of them in Germany, published materials of various trends. They presented the works of famous scientists and publicists, novelists and poets. "Summerhouse" became one of the most striking phenomena of such a genre in the second half of the XIX century.
Key words and phrases: художественные журналы, научно-популярные журналы, домашнее чтение в Германии, немецкие журналы XIX века, авторы художественных журналов, значение художественных журналов для развития литературы Германии XIX века, семейное чтение, публикации произведений писателей в журналах, романы-фельетоны, fiction magazines, popular science magazines, home reading in Germany, German magazines of the XIX century, authors of fiction magazines, significance of fiction magazines for development of German literature of the XIX century, family reading, publication of writers’ works in magazines, novels- feuilletons
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