Shiryaeva Tat'yana Aleksandrovna, Chernousova Yuliana Anatol'evna, Trius Liliya Ivanovna
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article examines the discrediting strategy as one of the basic communicative strategies of the British parliamentary discourse of debates. The authors focus attention on the importance of studying this strategy that shapes the mass audience’s idea about politicians and governmental institutions. The main speech tactics realizing the discrediting strategy: opposition, negative public image making, exposure, oblique accusation, identification, reproach, irony, based on the use of a wide range of linguistic and stylistic means, are identified and analyzed in the paper. The use of this strategy contributes to the effective interaction of communicants, allows the speaker to achieve a required planned effect on the audience, and minimizes appearing parliamentary conflicts, which have a negative impact on the political, social and economic situation in the country.
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