Chistyukhina Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, Shchegolikhina Yuliya Viktorovna, Kulakovskaya Kseniya Valerievna
Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Internal Troops named after the General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Russian State University of Justic
Abstract. The article deals with the specificity of the functioning of the Russian Germans’ anthroponyms in schwanks. It is noted that the anthroponymic system of the Russian Germans has a number of national peculiarities and is characterized by certain tendencies of development, which can be traced by the material of schwanks. The anthroponyms selected from schwanks are classified according to such parameters as origin, phonetic and word-formative peculiarities, semantics and structure. The authors prove that the anthroponyms identified in schwanks reflect the period in the history of the Russian Germans, when the influence of the native German language and traditions brought from the ethnic homeland is still significant, but at the same time the impact of the foreign-language environment is noticeable.
Key words and phrases: антропонимы, шванк, российские немцы, национальные особенности, иноязычное окружение, anthroponyms, schwank, the Russian Germans, national peculiarities, foreign-language environment
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