Gil'fanova Gul'nara Tavkil'evna
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University
Abstract. The article deals with the one of the J. Bobrowski’s short stories depicting events of the fascism period and the beginning of the Second World War. The reticence and at the same time semantic richness of the narrative of the story create its complex composition, despite the fact that the plot is absent. A small volume of the story "Mice’s holiday" on the one hand, and the significance of the subject, on the other hand, demand from the writer a full weight of each word, the expression of each line. J. Bobrowski does not only carefully selects the details, but also skillfully arranges them, correlating with each other and with the whole work in general.
Key words and phrases: фабула, сценическая композиция, косвенная речь, сказовость, разговорная речь, story, stage composition, indirect speech, fairy tale nature, oral speech
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