Shapovalova Oksana Ivanovna
Voronezh State University
Abstract. The article considers the field of sentences with the meaning of quantity from the viewpoint of semantic-functional syntaxes for the first time. The nominative aspect of arrangement of numerical sentences, in which a feature component is expressed with a numeral or its substitute with a quantitative meaning, is described. Various semantic-structural types of constructions, expressing the quantity of subjects, the order of subjects while counting and the subject’s age, are analyzed.
Key words and phrases: семантико-функциональный синтаксис, поле количественности, нумеративное предложение, семантико-структурный тип, семантическая структура, синтаксическая структура, лексическое наполнение, semantic-functional syntaxes, field of quantity, numerical sentence, semantic-structural type, semantic structure, syntactic structure, lexical content
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