Petrova Natal'ya Eduardovna, Rubtsova Elena Viktorovna
Kursk State Medical University
Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of linguistic and extralinguistic speech aspects in the newest paradigm of philosophical, psychological and linguistic scientific studies. The work considers briefly the history of the examination of speech acts theory by domestic and foreign scientists. The analysis of the meaning of the definition "speech act" is conducted with the aim to determine the ways of the implementation of a speech act in communicative process. Finally, the conclusion is made about the mechanisms of speech production and phonetic-intentional speech formalizing, which present a complex of phonetic-phonological, prosodic and intentional knowledge in interconnection with meaning and speech activity.
Key words and phrases: интенционализм, намерение, речевая деятельность, речевой акт, лингвистическая и экстралингвистическая информация, intentionalism, intention, speech activity, speech act, linguistic and extralinguistic information
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