Gazizova Liliya Gumarovna, Yakubova Dilyara Dzhavdetovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article presents the results of the field study of the Dominican national variant of Spanish. The lexicographical analysis indicated considerable disagreements between different lexicographical sources. Surveying native speakers allowed the authors to actualize the list of lexemes typical for this variant, to clarify the meaning of certain lexemes and to identify new meanings of specific lexical units typical for the Dominican Republic’s linguistic worldview. The findings justified the hypothesis that the vocabulary of the Dominican national variant is renewed due to its historical development and interaction with other languages.
Key words and phrases: национальный вариант испанского языка, полевое исследование, лексема, лексическая единица, семантическое значение, national variant of Spanish, field study, lexeme, lexical unit, semantic meaning
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